Page Titled

Page Titled is a primary element. It is mandatory to include in your digital product.


Page titling is a meta tag and ensures the description of a web page is properly marked. These ensure all users, regardless of ability, are on the correct page. This titling also helps organization for developers. The titles are additional, unique data within the markup. It is not reading the h1 or any content on the actual page. The html title element must be in the header of the code and each page needs its own title within that site. Metadata ensures it is titled well. Overall, it benefits user experience and can bolster SEO (search engine optimization).

Summary Points:

  • Benefits everyone including those with cognitive problems, visual disabilities and memory issues.

  • Benefits those who use audio descriptions

  • Use the <title> element for HTML Web page mark up

  • Benefits user experience

  • Can bolster search engine optimization

  • Helps organic search traffic

  • Titles must be less than 60 characters

  • 50 characters is optimal.


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