On Input

On Input is a primary element. It is mandatory to include in your digital product if applicable.


On input benefits users who experience a change in context when submitting things such as a form. A context change could mean the opening of a new page, or the rearrangement of elements on a page once a form or other call to action is submitted. A new context (such as a pop-up page) should be announced prior to submission so that a person with poor visual ability or low cognition is aware of the change ahead.

Summary Points:

  • Benefits keyboard only users and those with various visual disabilities

  • Once a form is submitted, there should be very little change in context or no change in interface context

  • Avoid the automatic submission of a form when the final input field is filled out

  • Submit buttons are necessary, and are especially great for those with screen readers

  • Buttons should have a 3:1 contrast minimum

Visual Example:

Code Example:

Further On This Topic:
