
Infographics are a secondary element. It’s rules are recommended to include in your digital product.


High contrast graphic elements such as infographics, are a highly suggested universal design feature. High contrast icons push functionality, readability, and almost always looks more robust on a page. There are varying kinds of infographics such as pie charts, radial charts, lists, statistics, timelines, comparisons, maps, flows and process infographics.

You can test your contrast ratio here:

Summary Points:

  • Check the contrast for all infographics

  • If a brand has a particular set of colorways, adjust the darkness of the colors for these brand colors

  • Low contrast is poor design and poor universal design

  • Contrast should be 3:1 ratio

  • Contrast should remain constant even in an animated or live fluctuating state

  • Infographics should have accompanying text explaining their purpose

  • Horizontal bar graphs should run left to right

  • Radial Graphs should always begin at a 12 o’clock midnight position

  • Vertical Graphcs should always run top to bottom

  • Minimum infographic stroke size should be 22 point

Infographic Communication Rules:

Infographic Inclusive Colorway Examples: